This report discusses one educational system, a focus on the regional study, such as Munakata-study. Basically, this special lecture is related with “GENDAIBUNMEIRON”. After the lecture on Munakata and World Heritage sites, students visited Munakata-shrine, the Munakata Study Exchange Center, and Taguma-Ishihata Yayoi settlement site Historical Park to encourage their additional study. The purpose of this special lecture is to give not only a conceptual and abstract understanding about Munakata and its nearby World Heritage sites, but to also have students feel the reality of problems that relate to their own. Although it is difficult to measure how much the students understood about the Munakata region, the goal is that students will remember Munakata and visit Munakata with friends or family talking about it as their second hometown (where they spent their college years) in near the future.