学生カルテと統合されたリフレクティブe ポートフォリオの開発
宮川 幹平・八尋 剛規・矢原 充敏
On development of a reflective e-portfolio system integrated with a student chart
Kampei MIYAKAWA, Takeki YAHIRO, Mitsutoshi YAHARA

We have aimed to obtain practical, educational knowledge on functional requirements and management methods of an e-portfolio system which urges students to act on their own initiative. To achieve the above described purpose, we have newly developed a prototype of a reflective e-portfolio system, and we have integrated it with the SRMS (Student Relationship Management System) which is our student chart system in operation since 2000. The attempt of this integrated system is to visualize various students’ activities and characteristics for appropriate interactions of faculties and staffs, and to encourage students’ to reflect on themselves. In this report, we describe technical and educational characteristics of this system, and show some results of experimental testing.

Key Words: e-portfolio, student chart(SRMS), reflection, active learnings, generic skills