- 1980 年代と現代に焦点をあてて-
赤井 ひさ子
Changing Pre-service Elementary Teacher Education in India
- In the 1980s and today -
Hisako Akai

The rapid expansion of elementary education after Independence in India made it difficult for the government to pay adequate attention to pre-service elementary teacher education(elementary PSTE), because there was the urgency to increase the number of teachers regardless of their qualification. Until the 1980s, untrained teachers and less qualified teacher trainees were recurring matters of concern. In 1986, the District Institute of Education and Training(DIET)system was established in accordance with the National Policy on education 1986. This decentralized system has undertaken elementary PSTE courses at the district level. Since then, student teachers enrolled in the course have gradually shown their capability and potential. Successful graduates are envisaged to be the driving force to achieve Universalization of Elementary Education(UEE)in the near future. Time will tell.

Key Words: Pre-service elementary teacher education, the 1980s and today, India