赤井 ひさ子
Pre-service Elementary Teacher Education in India:
Contemporary trends to augment teacher preparation
Hisako Akai

The Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) with excellence is one of the top priorities in contemporary India. The government of India launched a scheme covering all the districts in the country, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Campaign for Universal Elementary Education, SSA), in 2000. As one of the necessary factors to achieve not only universal enrollment but also school education with fine norms, district level examination on pre-service elementary teacher education was recommended in a report compiled by a national institution (2001) which was based on state level assessment. The state of Maharashtra framed a new curriculum for elementary teacher education in 2004. Pre-service teacher education (PSTE) for elementary teachers in the state is a two-year program and successful student-teachers have to complete “internship (six months)” before they obtain the Passing Certificate. Each District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) links with the state department of education and is accountable for the quality of PSTE in the district.

Key Words: Pre-service elementary teacher education, district level, India